TE Domains Show Statistics

Use the vertical scroll bar on this pane to view graphs and to get to the screen prompts at the bottom of the pane.

The first graph in this pane shows the logged-in users and incorporates a color chart that displays a different color for each domain.

The second graph shows the number of active database connections and also incorporates a color chart to display the different domains.

The third graph displays all active users for Deltek Time & Expense with Employee Self Service.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Statistical Selections

The amount and date range of information shown in the graphs depend on selections made at the bottom of the Statistical Graphs screen.


Use this drop-down box to select when you want to start the graph information. For example, if you select "4 weeks," the graph will show information as of four weeks from today's date. The options are "4 weeks," "3 weeks," "2 weeks," "7 days," "3 days," "24 hours," "8 hours," "60 minutes," and "15 minutes." The default for this drop-down box is "2 weeks."


 This option works with the Max Sampling Points field. If you select a longer period of time, you may need to provide a larger number of data points so that the entire timeframe will appear.

Max Sampling Points

Enter the maximum number of data points that you wish to view in the graphs. The default is "2000."


The larger this number, the longer it may take to retrieve the data.

Sampling Method

Use this drop-down box to select the type of data compression that you wish to use. The options are "Maximum" and "Average." The default is "Maximum.”

For example, you select "Average." During a particular group of data points, three people are logged in. Then two people log in, followed by four more. The Logged-In Users graph will display three at that data point.  If you select "Maximum," the Logged-In Users graph will display four at that data point.

Show Domains

Select the domain or domains that you wish to see. By default, all listed domains are selected.


Select the Refresh pushbutton to refresh the data shown in the screen for the selected options.